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醫學研究文章 > 林寶華醫師臨床短札

林寶華醫師 臨床短札 網址:http://www.lph.com.tw

B.緣起:在2011/10/30,一位素未謀面的三軍總醫院神經外科主治醫師稱讚我對妥瑞氏症(Tourette syndrome)的貢獻,他的主任推薦「天使的鬼臉」,經閱讀後,有很深刻的啟發。



~ 書泉出版社:天使的鬼臉P187 ~




入院診斷:Intractable Tourette syndrome.
出院診斷:Principle Diagnosis:.
(1) Intractable Tourette syndrome.
(2) R/O obsessive compulsive disorder
This 12 years old male patient was quite well before. According to parent's statement, the child was too active and could concentrate on one thing since childhood. Involuntary hand movement was first noted since 3+ years ago. Then twitching of his upper trunk and head was noted. He tried to stop the movement but in vain. Then the condition progressed. He was brought to Dr.○○○'s OPD and Tourette syndrome was impressed. He received medication treatment and OPD folow-up. Unfortunately, involuntary tongue protruding movement, hit the wall with his head and suicide tendency were noted since mid September. He had ever admitted for controlling these symptoms. These symptoms became improved during hospitalization and lasted for about one week. However, they recurred thereafter. Medications were adjusted,.but in vain. The patient had poor drug compliance. The symptoms progressed. Self-injured or invasive behavior occurred. So today, he was admitted again for further evaluation and treatment.
Torrette syndrome for 3+ years with medication control and OPD follow up. → involentory upper trunk, head, hand twitching, tongue protruding, hit wall with his head, Beat his mother, shouting.


林寶華 / 新北市三重區林寶華中醫診所院長